Written By Anonymous on Sunday, March 4, 2012 | 3:51:00 PM

Anna Banana Just Reached 1,000,000 hits and still counting  as of posting, and this time not by his mother alone. The Video goes viral after being featured in a DSL commercial. I thought in the first place that it was a part of a song but I just discovered it was not. Original song wrote by Derek S. Lorenzo for her crush in their classroom. This is the full video (not the one in the commercial.)
     "here is my original song. I wrote it for the awesomeness girl in my class. I hope you like it!"

And this is the one in the commercial

The commercial tell us what a real mother supposed to do, tells how sweet moms really are. It's not about a mother just fooling his son, but how a mother being our number one fan, that they are always support us as long as we are happy.