Written By Anonymous on Friday, January 20, 2012 | 6:02:00 PM
I found out LinkWithin widget in one of my friend blog. I really like it so I put one on my blog but the problem I have customized my homepage where only the introduction of my post will be shown, and every intro post on my homepage there is LinkWithin in the bottom that make feel seems not right.So I try to find a solution and gladly I found one!

Link Within is a free and very useful widget bloggers can have on their blogs to display related posts with a thumb-shot of an image if any, just below every posts. This simply means more page views for you and a little convenience for your readers simply because they won't have to search for the related topics on your site. It will be displayed right at the end of the post. Blogger Blogspot does not offer a feature like this unlike WordPress. So Blogspot bloggers usually use this plugin to display related post on their blogs.

according to MyPlaylist4todayusers of this widget don't really have much control on where to position it within their posts. It will always position itself at the bottom of every post. And show up on your home page even if you have 

summarized a post. It will show up even before the "read more" link and may sometimes result to your readers thinking your posts are too short cause they missed your "read more" link. So sometimes bloggers think it would be better to show Link Within only on post pages and not on homepage, or it's just me.

So here's what you have to do: 

Note: If you currently have LinkWithin Installed you have to remove it first.

First, login on your blogger account

If  you currently have Link Within Installed, on your dashboard go toLayout ---> Page Elements look for the page element of your LinkWithin. Usually labeled LinkWithin. Click Edit then Remove.

Then go to Edit HTML and download your template for backup.

Then find this code </body> it is usually located at the very bottom of your template.

Right before it, paste this code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

Then we have to create a new LinkWithin widget. Go to the site or here LinkWithin open it in a new window or tab.

Then fill out the form. This is Important: on the Platform select Other. Then Submit.
Copy the script/code. To make sure you selected all of it before copying, click inside the box and hit Ctrl+A.

Now go back to your template and paste the code replacing the REPLACE THIS WITH CODE. Save your template and your done. Go check your home page.

Thanks and drop some comments guys!

(There is a problem with my Uploader but the code works!)
20 Jan 2012


  1. hey! it really works. thanks so much for the help!

  2. This is great. Thank you for helping me out! :)

  3. Tks, but I want to remove it for good. Show me how? http://yeutienganh123.com/

  4. I have read all the above and totally agree with your post. Nice and helpful information.
    Thanks for sharing such a nice post.
    website design

  5. You don't know how grateful I am to have finally found a tutorial that actually works! I've spent hours trying to fix this problem using codes and advice from other websites. All trial, all error. Until this! Finally my persistence has paid off. Maybe those sites are outdated. Maybe HTML can't be outdated, I have no idea. Fantastic, finally something that works. Thanks a tonne. |Visiting from: http://sugarandtwocents.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Your welcome! And Im happy that I can help my fellow bloggers in simple way :)

  6. Amazing post! I've been looking for something this simple for weeks now! Thanks so much for lifting a blog burden :)

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